

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Exercising For Stress Busting
Busy life, work pressure, social pressure, and competition and more... In fact, it is difficult not to get stressed out in this crazy world! Fortunately there are ways to bust your stress. The best way is to bust stress is by exercising!
Most people feel that they are too busy to fit in exercising into their work schedule. But hang on... till you read this article.
Exercising is an integral part of stress management. Now, exercising does not mean you should be an athlete or have 6 packs abs. If you want to relieve stress and keep stress related diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes at bay, you must exercise. 
Let's see how exercising will help you in stress relief:
Exercising directly increases the production of good hormones, call it endorphin's or neurotransmitters, exercising acts as a kick.
Exercising relaxes mind and body. It takes you away from the nitty-gritties of daily life. All your focus is on the movements of your body. When you exercise regularly, you tend to forget your woes and this then releases positive energy and maintains your mental balance even in crisis.
Exercises are mood elevators. It boosts your self-confidence and eradicates mild depression and anxiety. It also improves your social behavior. It enables to get sound sleep and thus elevates your energy levels.
With that said, you must understand that initially you'll have to give your body time to adjust to the exercise routine. So start slow and then gradually increase your workout regime. Also, you must avoid the temptation of going too fast. If you are just beginning, it is best that you start with a 30 min per day mild aerobic exercises for at least one week. You can then increase the length and intensity of the exercises in the subsequent weeks.
In case you have any underlying medical condition, it is best to seek medical advice before embarking on an exercise schedule.
The best way to exercise is to engage in a physical activity you love. It could be walking on a treadmill, swimming, walking in the park, aerobics, yoga, playing badminton, weight lifting, gymnastics, ta chi or cycling.
Whatever mode of exercise you choose, make a schedule at any time of your convenience and max sure you stick to it. While the best time to exercise is in the wee hours, but if that doesn't suit you, you may join a gym near you and work out at your convenient time.
Now that you have understood the importance of exercises in relieving day-to-day stress, you must make a firm resolution to exercise and stick to the schedule. With most people, they begin earnestly and leave the program in the midway. That's why they are unable to derive optimal results. Make exercising a part of your lifestyle and you will reap the sweet results of exercising very soon...
Exercising will not just make you in better shape, it will help you become emotionally and mentally strong!

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