

Tuesday 12 August 2014

What Are the Benefits of Fasting?
In the United States the percentage of obese people is growing. Currently 35% of Americans are obese. Experts predict that soon 50% of the people in the U.S. will be obese. There are many reasons for this but there is one main reason. People eat too much food. 
When looking for a car to drive, people want a car that is the most efficient at using gasoline. That way you can get a lot more miles out of each gallon that you put in. When it comes to eating, they want the opposite. They want a metabolism that is as fast as possible so they get the smallest amount of energy from the greatest amount of food.
So people want to put as much food into their mouth as they can. The cause of this is a lack of happiness so they are trying to get more happiness from eating. It is easier to fast for a short time than to try to eat less food all of the time. Many people have lost over 100 pounds just by fasting on weekends.
Some say that you should not fast if you do not change your diet after the fast. This is like saying that you should not bathe if you are just going to get dirty again. This is also a sure way of losing weight. If someone eats nothing for 3 weeks they are going to lose weight. This is just one benefit of fasting.
Another physical benefit is that while fasting (drinking only pure water), the body gets rid of toxins at a faster rate. Now some people say that the body cleanses itself everyday. This is true. But if the rate of toxins going into the body, is faster than the rate of toxins going out of the body, the toxins build up in the body. Holistic healers call it toxemia when there is a lot of toxins in the body. They say that toxemia is the cause of most health problems. The fast gives the body a chance to catch up on cleansing.
Intermittent fasting is when the fast is less than 24 hours. Many recommend this because you do not have to go without food for over a day. Another thing that fasting helps with is that you can get better sleep since you do not have any digestion going on. Also during a fast your digestive system gets a vacation.
Since many people do not have the best diet, they can have problems with their colon like constipation. During a fast, the colon gets a rest and vacation. After this rest, the colon will work better than it has in many years. The way that this whole thing works is that the body is always trying to heal itself and cleanse itself, but people prevent it from doing its job. Fasting gives the body a chance to do its job.
Also during the fast, you save time and money. You do not have to spend all this time shopping for food, preparing the food, eating the food and cleaning up afterwards. You also save the money that you would have spent on food. This goes back to the example of wanting a fast metabolism to so you can buy and eat as much food as possible. Many wise men have fasted like Mahatma Gandhi, Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Muhammad and Pythagoras. They knew that fasting has immense benefits even though it is not easy to do. Here is an article that has quotes about fasting from 7 different medical doctors (MDs).

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Exercising For Stress Busting
Busy life, work pressure, social pressure, and competition and more... In fact, it is difficult not to get stressed out in this crazy world! Fortunately there are ways to bust your stress. The best way is to bust stress is by exercising!
Most people feel that they are too busy to fit in exercising into their work schedule. But hang on... till you read this article.
Exercising is an integral part of stress management. Now, exercising does not mean you should be an athlete or have 6 packs abs. If you want to relieve stress and keep stress related diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes at bay, you must exercise. 
Let's see how exercising will help you in stress relief:
Exercising directly increases the production of good hormones, call it endorphin's or neurotransmitters, exercising acts as a kick.
Exercising relaxes mind and body. It takes you away from the nitty-gritties of daily life. All your focus is on the movements of your body. When you exercise regularly, you tend to forget your woes and this then releases positive energy and maintains your mental balance even in crisis.
Exercises are mood elevators. It boosts your self-confidence and eradicates mild depression and anxiety. It also improves your social behavior. It enables to get sound sleep and thus elevates your energy levels.
With that said, you must understand that initially you'll have to give your body time to adjust to the exercise routine. So start slow and then gradually increase your workout regime. Also, you must avoid the temptation of going too fast. If you are just beginning, it is best that you start with a 30 min per day mild aerobic exercises for at least one week. You can then increase the length and intensity of the exercises in the subsequent weeks.
In case you have any underlying medical condition, it is best to seek medical advice before embarking on an exercise schedule.
The best way to exercise is to engage in a physical activity you love. It could be walking on a treadmill, swimming, walking in the park, aerobics, yoga, playing badminton, weight lifting, gymnastics, ta chi or cycling.
Whatever mode of exercise you choose, make a schedule at any time of your convenience and max sure you stick to it. While the best time to exercise is in the wee hours, but if that doesn't suit you, you may join a gym near you and work out at your convenient time.
Now that you have understood the importance of exercises in relieving day-to-day stress, you must make a firm resolution to exercise and stick to the schedule. With most people, they begin earnestly and leave the program in the midway. That's why they are unable to derive optimal results. Make exercising a part of your lifestyle and you will reap the sweet results of exercising very soon...
Exercising will not just make you in better shape, it will help you become emotionally and mentally strong!

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Monday 11 August 2014

How Quickly Can You Improve Your Fitness?

The question of how quickly you can improve your fitness is not an easy one to answer. Why, because it depends on many different factors! And some people may see results faster than others.
The good news, however, is that if you stick to a consistent training program throughout a four week period, you'll be surprised at just how much you can achieve!
Starting From Scratch: What You Need to Know
If you're starting from scratch, that is if you really wouldn't call yourself fit at all, then it's important to know that you're not going to able to run a marathon after just four weeks. However, it might be possible to run a 5K in four weeks, if you're careful and you're not completely unfit to begin with.
Even if you have a base level of fitness, one important thing to remember is that your body needs to adapt to whatever kind of exercise you're doing. Even if you don't get too out of breath running, for example, you might find that if you run too much, you'll get a leg injury that will set you back weeks while you recover.
This is why, as frustrating as it can be, you need to build your fitness gradually over a four week period and beyond.
What You CAN Achieve in a Short Space of Time
What you definitely CAN achieve after just a few weeks of following a fitness program is a very solid foundation for continued fitness. As long as you work out consistently (e.g. 4 days per week, every week) then this will set up a habit that will serve you very well in the future.
You'll also be very surprised at how quickly you find things becoming easier. For example, you might start out running for just one minute at a time, and walking for a couple of minutes in between each run. However, after just a few weeks, you'll probably be able to run for 15 minutes or longer. Now THAT is amazing progress.
The key here is not to compare yourself to people who have already been working out for a long time. Instead, compare yourself to where you've come from. If you can climb a big flight of steps without stopping to catch your breath when just a few weeks ago you could barely make it up the first few steps then that is massive progress that will improve your everyday life!

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Diet, Exercise and Motivation

The journey towards successful weight loss is not an easy one. Every year millions of people take up the challenge to lose x number of pounds in so many months or weeks. The success rate is not known. But we do know that vast majority fail. If not there wouldn't be so many programs that cater to different audiences promising so many different types of weight loss. Weight loss is easy if you know the simple math that you should be burning off more calories than what you consume. If you create a calorie deficit by eating less and exercising more you lose weight.
The problem with people wanting to lose weight is that they tend to eat all the wrong types of food and expect to lose weight. They also don't exercise portion control when it comes to their favorite foods. If you limit your food intake and exercise portion control you battle of bulge is half won. The next crucial element is exercise.
Physical activity like aerobics, strength training and flexibility training is essential in the quest to weight loss. Aerobics helps increase your metabolic rate which is the rate at which the calories are burned, the strength training exercises help in building muscle which is itself a great way to increase your rate of calories burned. Flexibility training helps in stretching the muscles and increasing their capacity to lift more weight and burn more calories.
Swimming, walking, jogging, running, jumping rope and aerobics are some forms of aerobic exercises, yoga, Pilates, and stretching exercises are some forms of flexibility exercises, lifting weights and training with body weight exercises are some forms of strength training.
Sometimes mid-way in the march towards weight loss folks do lose motivation. Either they no longer feel active enough or can't control their food cravings. They fall off the wagon and tend to lose focus. It is therefore important to keep motivated through different methods of reading motivational books, thinking motivational thoughts, attending motivational lectures and generally remaining positive even when things look bleak.
There are very few weight loss programs that combine all these aspects and help you get started on your journey. Most concentrate on one or two aspects and ignore the other. This is the reason for the high failure rate of most people. If you had complete knowledge of all these points your chances of failure are low. Choose programs that focus on diet, exercise and motivation. You will find a higher rate of success and be happier doing it.

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Sunday 10 August 2014

8 Natural Ways to Increase Metabolism

To lose or gain weight we work on our diet and exercise routine. It is quite affective but it is important to know a few basic things about the body that are responsible for the increase or decrease in body weight. Everyone eats food but why do some people gain weight faster than others? Or why do some people never seem to gain weight irrespective of what and how much they eat? It's all a matter of our metabolism. The chemical activity in our body that regulates the conversion of calories into energy is called metabolism. A body that is slow in converting calories into energy and stores it as fat instead is said to have a slow metabolism. Whereas a body that quickly converts calories to energy and uses the energy as quickly has a fast metabolism.
People with faster metabolism are usually envied upon as they hardly get fat. They put in the least effort on their body to look slim and smart. People with slower metabolism are always complaining about how much they have to watch their diet and work out extensively. Like all problems there is a solution to this complain too. A few good changes in daily routine and diet can improve your metabolic rate. There are different foods and exercises that encourage metabolic rate to increase. It is best to go the natural way rather than depending on medication or supplements. Here are 8 ways that can boost your metabolism.
1. Work on your muscles: strength training and body building get the muscles activated all over the body thus raising the average metabolic rate. The body burns calories even while we are resting and metabolic rate is higher in people who are more muscular than others.
2. Take it one step further: aerobic exercise, walk and jogging are not for muscle building but they are good for the metabolism rate. The trick here is to push yourself up during your regular exercise session. High intensity exercise delivers a longer and higher metabolic rate as compared to low or average intensity exercise.
3. Stay hydrated: metabolism slows down when the body feels dehydrated. Drink water at regular intervals, especially before a snack or meal to support and speed up the digestive system.
4. Choose wisely: small snacks rather than 3 big meals a day are more advisable for an efficient metabolism. It helps to avoid cravings and overeating as the body is not left hungry for long. Small healthy snacks at 3-4 hours intervals keep your metabolism cranking, so you burn more calories along the day.
5. Spice is good: chilies are natural boosters that kick your metabolism into a higher gear. Add a tablespoon of green or red chili pepper to your dishes for an extra boost.
6. A serving more of protein: the body has to work harder to digest protein as compared to carbohydrates. Replace carbohydrates with lean beef, turkey, fish, white chicken, nuts, beans, eggs and low fat dairy products which are a good source of protein.
7. Some more Green tea please: caffeine and catechins substances in green tea rev up the metabolism. Green tea is a good cleanser for the body too. And with less impurities and toxins, it's easier for the chemicals in the body to digest and burn the calories.
8. Crash diets don't help: following a 7-day diet plan will bring you down on the scale but it will also slow down on your metabolism. You will lose muscle and other vital nutrients during the crash diet but as soon as you stop, the efforts will backfire and the body will burn fewer calories and thus gain more weight faster than before the diet.

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Saturday 9 August 2014

Isn't It About Time For Healthy Food?

If you're sick and tired of being overweight and truly want to remedy the situation, then it's time for healthy food. If your diet has consisted of either an enormous amount of fast food or excessive portion sizes at home-cooked meals, this is the area you need to address first in an effort to get things turned around and moving in a more positive direction. 
One of the most difficult things about being successful with transitioning over to healthy nutrition is because your body/mind will put up some resistance. That fast food tastes the way it does because they want you coming back over and over again. Your body has gotten used to eating a certain amount of food until it is full. It will take effort on your part to be willing to reduce your portion sizes at meals to one that is an appropriate, healthy amount.
Here's an important point to always keep in mind. It is possible to gain weight even if you eat healthy food! It all comes down to portion size. Your body only needs a certain amount of fuel each day. When you put too much fuel in the form of food and drink into your body and don't burn off the excess in the form of exercise, then weight gain will occur.
Therefore when you do begin to change the types of foods and drinks you consume regularly, also remember to maintain an appropriate portion size at each eating moment. This is often the most overlooked aspect about sticking with healthy nutrition. Not only does that encompass the types of food you eat but also in what quantities.
An easy way to get started is by first getting rid of, or at least not purchasing, unhealthy items when you go grocery shopping. This includes items such as potato chips, cookies, soda, crackers, muffins, donuts, ice cream, pies, cakes, etc. Don't be in shock. You can really survive without this stuff.
If you truly want to have success losing weight, these are the types of items you don't want to have stocked all throughout your kitchen. Why put yourself in a situation where you will be surrounded by temptation after temptation especially when you're trying to make a positive change.
When you eat healthy food and maintain appropriate portion sizes at meals, you will likely be able to lose a pound each week. That may not sound like much, but in actuality that turns out to be more than 50 pounds in one year. And that's without exercise!
Now are you starting to see the power healthy nutrition can provide you and why it's time for healthy food?

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Friday 8 August 2014

Six Things Every New Runner Should Know

If you are looking for a great way to get fit and lose weight, running could be the perfect solution. As with any new exercise or fitness program, there are a few things you should know before you head out to pound the pavement.
Running Shoes
Choosing the perfect fit when it comes to a good pair of running shoes truly matters. It makes a difference in how comfortable your run is, and can keep you from unnecessary injuries. When picking the right pair, you should start by determining the shape of your feet. If you have a high-arch, or flat feet there are certain types that will work better for you. Choose a pair that is not too tight, and offers some wiggle room. You also want to find a pair that is light weight and supportive. You do not have to spend a fortune to find a great pair of running shoes, and it is probably smarter not too especially if it is your first time giving it a try. 
Dress For the Season
If you are running during the summer and spring months you are no doubt going to work up a sweat. Wearing light-colored clothing, with breathable fabric can help keep your body temperature down. During the fall and winter months it is tempting to run in shorts to stay cooler, but your muscles will work better if they are warm. During the cooler months choose lightweight clothing that covers all exposed skin. If you are willing to dish out a little cash for workout clothes, choose some that will wick away moisture from the skin. This breathable material will help keep you cool and dry no matter what season it is.
Stay Hydrated
There is nothing worse than running while dehydrated. Not only does dehydration contribute to muscle cramps, but it will make you feel miserable on your run. It is important to get in the habit of drinking plenty of water each day. Drinking the recommended 8-10 cups a day will help, but depending on the weather and your body size you may need more. Keeping a jug of cold water in the refrigerator will help you keep track of your intake. During warmer months you might consider ending your run with a sports drink to help replenish electrolytes and hydrate you. Most brands offer a zero calorie, sugar-free version as well, for those who are trying to lose weight.
Don't Over Do It
It may be tempting to push yourself to the max when you first start running. However, it is vital that you take things slow. It takes a while for your body to get used to a new exercise, and chances are even if you do not feel sore after your first run, in a couple of days you will. Take a rest day in between running days to avoid injury. This will also help your muscles to recover more quickly, and keep you from suffering from burn out early on. Starting out aim for three days a week, and then gradually work your way up to more.
Up Your Protein Intake
Lean protein is a runner's best friend, right after water that is. Protein will help fuel your run, and help in muscle recovery. If you do not get enough protein your body will start to use muscle for fuel instead of fat. Choose low-fat foods that contain high amounts of lean protein. These are found in fish, chicken and many dairy products. If you are not a meat or dairy eater, try protein shakes or bars instead. The amino acids in protein has the added bonus of helping you to build more muscle, while saying goodbye to excess fat.
Stay Safe
Any type of exercise you do comes with the risk of injury, and running is no different especially if you run outdoors. Choose clothing and shoes that have bright colors, or reflective material so that drivers can see you. If you choose to use ear buds and listen to music on your run, keep the music low enough that you can still hear noises around you. When running at night it is best to stick to well-lit areas, and always try to be aware of your surroundings.
Running is a great way to get fit and lose weight. Learning what you should and should not do can keep you safe and make your run more beneficial.

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Thursday 7 August 2014

Gluten Allergy Symptoms - When to Eliminate Gluten!
Today I'm going to share with you the leading gluten allergy symptoms. Perhaps you have seen the words gluten-free written on a food label and wondered what it meant and is it healthy. Gluten is a protein that is used to help foods keep their shape, almost like glue. Most people eat it without any problems, but there is a small minority of people who have issues with it and this is called Celiac Disease. 
When I mean a small minority of people I'm talking about less than 1%. Their immune system thinks it's as evil as Dark Vader from Star Wars and it starts to harm the small intestines. This damages a person's ability to absorb nutrients and brings about a wide range of symptoms. Apart from people who have Celiac Disease there is also a class of people who have a sensitivity or allergy to it. This just means their body doesn't like it, but it's not as extreme as Celiac Disease.
There is also one more class of people associated with gluten and can you guess what it is? Yep, the last group is a huge majority of people who can eat gluten without any problems. The million dollar question is how do I know if I'm sensitive to gluten and I have an allergic reaction to it? The first area that might have some trouble will be digestion. If you constantly struggle with constipation, diarrhea and possibly stomach aches then gluten might just be the problem.
Next when it comes to your mental health do you have trouble concentrating? How about problems with memory, brain fog and headaches? Another sign is if you feel irritable, anxious, depressed more often. Maybe everyone feels irritable and depressed more than they should, but it is a symptom of a gluten allergy. Lastly, there could be some skin problems if someone has trouble with gluten. This includes wanting to itch the skin a lot, which could be very annoying. Another sign would be hives and visible red rashes on the skin.
If you do experience these symptoms I recommend giving a gluten-free life a test drive. Eliminate gluten from your life for a little while and see what happens. If you notice many problems disappearing then you might want to continue going gluten-free. If nothing happens then there is no reason not to consume this protein and you can enjoy all the food that comes with it.
To sum everything up the leading gluten allergy symptoms involve digestion problems. This includes constipation, diarrhea and stomach pains. A person could notice trouble with concentration, memory, irritability, anxiety, brain fog and headaches. Lastly a person's skin might itch a lot and there could be a rash as well as hives.

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How To Acquire A Beautiful Beach Body Following Just 5 Steps!

It is a fact that one can be much more confident when one looks good; therefore it is necessary to work hard to acquire a beach body others will envy.
Furthermore, anyone is able to acquire a beach body no matter the body shape as long as one is willing to embrace a healthy lifestyle.
The top 5 steps to get a beach body include:
Step 1: Eat Healthy Foods
Get rid of junk foods that contain concentrated levels of fat, sugar or salt as they contain empty calories that the body converts into fat reserves around your body.
Eat several small healthy meals throughout the day instead of three large ones so that the body is able to burn the calories as you go about your busy day and to increase metabolism.
Do not eat and go to sleep right away as the body will not get a chance to burn the extra calories while you are immobile.
Do not skip meals as the body will store the next meal consumed as fat reserves in preparation of starvation.
Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains as they contain high concentration of fiber good for digestive health. Besides they make one feel fuller for longer preventing overeating.
Remember to drink plenty of clean water as the body may confuse thirst with hunger leading to overeating. Furthermore water is good for you as it helps eliminate wastes from the body and hydrates for gorgeous skin.
Step 2: Exercise
There is no shortcut to getting a beach body you must exercise to get rid of flab that may be present in some areas of the body. That said you can have fun as you exercise.
Dance away the extra calories in the comfort of your home.
Use a skipping rope to get your exercises done anywhere.
A hula hoop can help you burn stubborn belly fat and get rid of love handles that create a muffin top when you wear jeans.
Leave your car at home and take the bicycle instead when you go to work.
Take a brisk walk around the block after dinner before retiring to bed.
Make time to jog or use a treadmill machine in the morning before starting your day.
Weight training for toning the body is an essential element of getting a beach body, work on you abs, butt, hips, thighs and legs.
Step 3: Get Good Sleep
Staying up all night could prevent you from obtaining a beach body; besides people get hungry and eat more when they stay awake. Find out how much sleep you need and make sure you get it; beside your body heals and rejuvenates while asleep.
Step 4: Get Rid Of Stress
It is proven that most people eat more when they are stressed; therefore get rid of stress so that you can manage to obtain that beach body others will congratulate you on.
Furthermore, buying a suitable pet will help you eliminate stress when you come home to an affectionate welcome.
A hobby is another way of eliminating stress that can easily be acquired by working in a toxic environment; having positive minded friends is good for you as they will help you look at life through positive eyes.
Step 5: Take Care Of Your Skin
It begins by drinking the recommended amount of water every day to keep your skin hydrated and maintain its elasticity as you get older.
In addition, remember to apply sun block when you go outdoors to prevent premature aging of your skin to look fantastic whatever your age.
What's more remember to moisturize your body before going to bed to help your skin heal after being exposed to the elements all day long.

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Weight Loss Support and Lifestyle Changes

Weight Loss Support Groups are helpful when making a change in your life.
Weight loss is not so much about the actual pounds you want to lose, but the change you are making in your life. Your attitude must be positive and you must believe in a positive outcome. It's much easier in the long run, to stick to a weight loss program if you have support from a weight loss support group.
What helps is having the motivation to continue every day with the weight loss goals you've set for yourself. Always give yourself a reason why you can accomplish your goals.
It's been said that no one is perfect. You don't have to aim to be perfect, either. Just give yourself permission to be a little better today than you were yesterday.
Failure is not an option, and shouldn't be for you either. One of the easiest ways to lose weight is to start walking.
Walk in front of your house. Walk the length of your street. Walk one half a mile. Walk only what you are capable of and then walk a little further. Personally, I lost over 100 pounds just by walking. I started out walking less than one half a mile. I progressed every week, walking a little bit more, and a little bit more, until after a year, I was walking a mile or more. Then by the next year I was walking a few more miles. By the end of the third year I was walking eight miles a day. That's all I did to change my lifestyle and lose weight. While it may sound easy, I had my struggles. Finding a support group helped me find the encouragement I need to accomplish this.
Someone once said, "Success is not a place that we aspire to, it is a process in which we live by. Often the only ingredient being the ability to not quit." That's where you need to dig deep into your soul and know in your heart that this is truly a change you want to make in your life.
Keeping a food journal helps. Writing down everything that you eat, or the calories, or the amounts, whatever you want to track, will help you stay on that road to success. When you feel like you are slipping off the road to success, you have your weight loss support group to get you back on track.
Keeping a progress journal will also help. Write out your feelings, your successes, your frustrations, your emotions, and get them out of your head and onto paper. Give yourself the opportunity to reveal, in a journal, even if to no on else, exactly what you're experiencing as you go through this life change.
Buddy up with another person who wants to make the same changes in their life. It always helps to have someone you can motivate and who can give you the inspiration you need when you're feeling like you can't go on. Remember, your support group offers an opportunity to find a buddy or multiple buddies who are in the same shoes.

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